Seeing strengths: Young adults and their siblings with autism or intellectual disability.

Carter, M. E. Carlton, Hilary E Travers (2020)

Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities 2020, 33: 574– 58



Background: Understanding the positive qualities of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can provide a much-needed counterpoint to deficit-based depictions of disability.

Method: This study examined how 163 young adults (ages 18-30) viewed the strengths of their brothers and sisters with intellectual disability or autism using the Assessment Scale for Positive Character Traits-Developmental Disabilities (Woodard, 2009). In addition, the authors examined factors that may shape their perspectives.

Results: Overall, siblings’ ratings of strengths were moderate to high, indicating an overall portrait of strengths. The majority of brothers and sisters with disabilities was described as having multiple strengths and their profiles on this measure were highly individualized. Lower overall ratings were associated with several variables, including not using speech as a primary mode of communication, exhibiting challenging behaviours, having autism and not currently living together.

Conclusions: The authors offer recommendations for future research and practice related to supporting siblings with and without disabilities.


DOI: 10.1111/jar.12701