A Parent-Sibling Dyadic Interview to Explore how an Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder can Impact Family Dynamics
Emma Critchley, Michelle Cuadros, Ina Harper, Harry Smith-Howell, Miles Rogish (2021).
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Anxiety Disorders in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Population-Based Study
Victoria Nimmo-Smith, Hein Heuvelman, Christina Dalman, Michael Lundberg, Selma Idring, Peter Carpenter, Cecilia Magnusson, Dheeraj Rai (2020).
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Parents Suggest Which Indicators of Progress and Outcomes Should be Measured in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Helen McConachie, Nuala Livingstone, Christopher Morris, Bryony Beresford , Ann Le Couteur, Paul Gringras, Deborah Garland, Glenys Jones, Geraldine Macdonald, Katrina Williams, Jeremy R Parr (2018)
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A psychometric study of the Family Resilience Assessment Scale among families of children with autism spectrum disorder
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Screen Based Media Use Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Typically Developing Siblings
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